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  1. 本网站上的所有内容均符合 18 U.S. Code § 2257,所有人物和人物均至少年满 18 周岁。
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Important Notice: Please Read Before Using This Website

  1. All content on this website complies with 18 U.S. Code § 2257, and all characters and people depicted are at least 18 years of age.
  2. All content on this website are automatically collected from other sites on the internet via crawlers and APIs.
  3. This website does not upload or store any copyrighted materials. We act in good faith and respect these rights, with no intention to infringe upon them. However, if content containing copyrighted or intellectual property materials owned by third parties is posted, please contact us following the provisions below. If the claim is deemed legitimate, we will address the matter promptly.
  4. If you wish to have any content completely removed from the internet, please contact the primary or secondary producer. We do not possess the right or authority to remove content stored on other websites.
  5. While we strive to verify compliance with various regulations, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
  6. If you need to file a DMCA notice regarding any content on this website or if you find any inappropriate elements (illegal, unlawful, harassing, harmful, offensive, compliance violation, or for various other reasons), please contact us at here.
  7. When contacting us, please provide your name, email address, and the details of your inquiry. If filing a DMCA notice, you must prove that you are the rightful copyright owner of the content in question.
  8. Please note that we may not necessarily respond to all inquiries.